He eventually failed her on an insecure brake pipe which was actually secure, I returned for the free retest with the cable tie done up two clicks further and she was passed. Hurrah! He then decided to be friendly, and told me he liked my new brake pipes but I should put coppergrease on them to stop them rusting. I hadn’t the heart to tell him they were quite clearly made of copper, and therefore rather unlikely to corrode…..!

The rest of the car was hastily put together, and she was taken on longer and longer drives, although there were very few problems really. Then it dawned on me I had to go up to the Lake District to see Richard for some touring, then down to Lancashire to see Calum, for some touring. And there was still a lot to do…
I did my best, but I still ended up setting off up North with no chrome trim strips on the doors, I did the front and rear wing strips but then I had to set off. These eventually got done in Richard’s garage the third day I was there. Oh how fantastic to be driving her again, but rather annoying that so much had not been done, like fitting the remaining two driving lamps, wiring in them and the reversing lamps, finishing the headlining and many other little jobs. But I finished her on time… sort of!

Just some little finishing touches to do now.....
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